Deciding on a research strategy is a creative process, as there is no one size fits all research method. A research professional therefore needs input to come up with a fitting research strategy.
Good input is crucial
The following input helps your research supplier to find the best research strategy available:
The higher-level goal of the project that requires research
What process you have in place to reach your goal
How you wish research to assist the process
Your own thoughts about suitable research methods (if any)
Your target audience + insights you have about them
Any time and budget restraints.
Creating a research strategy
A researcher will look at this information and asks him/herself:
What research methods will yield the best results?
What research methods fit best with the client’s creative process?
What research method is most achievable with the audience?
What is the most inspiring to the participants and the client?
And finally, what does the timeframe and budget allow us to do or not to do?
From there, a research professional should provide you with a good picture of suitable research methods, the amount of work attached, a participant recruitment strategy and what results to expect to help achieve your goals.
Reach out to us if you need support with putting together a brief or if you are looking for a research partner. We are more than happy to assist.