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As we are desiring a high quality of life, healthy lifestyles and basic hygiene are essential for a long and healthy life. But with all the care in the world, little do we realise how much damage our care is creating to our soils & waterways and consequently, to our very own health.


We often use personal care products that may not be safe for ourselves or our environment, with little known long term effects. Think of heavy metals in your deodorant or sun screen impacting on the organisms that make up the great barrier reef. 

Not to mention the cupboards full of detergents, sprays and washing up liquid. They may be able to kill germs and pests, but they often kill everything that goes with it, causing problems to the wider environment. In our obsession with convenience, how convenient is that?

Luckily, we are also realising that nature is our best teacher, with more and more products being septic safe, rainforest safe, marine life safe. And less harmful for the people using it.


Promising solutions, still need to be on the buyer's radar. Does it stand out? Does it address their needs? Is it great to use?

Researching your solution with your target audience, helps you to understand its triggers and barriers and ultimately, gives you a clear indication of what still needs to be done in order for it to become a long-term success. 


Hence, I love helping you to develop your solution around the end-user.

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